26 November 2006


yes, it really did snow here today. not very much, not even enough to stick on anything besides some windshields. but HA! maybe my hero name should be chicken little catalyst of doom. hmmm, that's a kind of long name. how about chickatalyst? let's face it - the sky is fucking falling here. the only thing holding it up at this point is my big head and big ego. aren't you glad i'm here to save you? snuggle up and enjoy the snow.

went out to the midnight movie last night! it was pretty cool to see CLUE in the theatre, partly because it was a bunch of old farts in there (i.e. no one under 25) whooping and squealing at the best parts. and the second best parts. and just about anything else we all thought was even remotely funny. in other words, we were a rowdy bunch of old farts who made a lot of noise. yay!

as punishment for being productive, i've been given the world's worst work schedule right now. 7 AM. seven. fucking. a. m. in the morning. before the worms or the birds rise. i feel myself starting to freak out right now. there is a slow descent into madness coming along quite nicely. should i play the "but it's my birthday!" card to escape for a day, or just take my obviously karmic punishment like a grownup? whine whine whine. complain complain complain. there is a reason i've avoided these working hours for my entire adult life. i suck at them. they make me physically ill and cranky to boot. let's hope this is only a temporary thing due to the holiday retail hell rush. if i can pull through the next couple of weeks without being fired for being late, maybe i can plead for mercy. i would really hate to have to look for a new job once again. ugh. job interviews are NOT my specialty.

WAIT! I'VE GOT IT! from now on, i'll be called (insert drumroll here):

doesn't make me sound like a washing machine, does it? like a really boxy big and bulky thing. ack, does this super name make my butt look fat? fuck it. i love it.

something on the web


Zhenia said...

Nah, your super name makes you smell like clean laundry. That's not so bad, is it?

crazyladybugg said...

happy first snow!!
we didn't get much down here (south of seattle).

Bonnie Rae said...

Are you telling me that YOU are responsible for this snow mess ?? Geesh, Georgie ! It took me nearly four hours to drive home tonight ! What's next ... ? I want to be able to plan !

georgeious said...

and yes, the hits just keep on coming!

it didn't start in on monday until after i got home from work, but they've promised me ice for the tuesday morning commute. i told you to be careful with me around. and i heard it's coming to the south side too. eep.