17 November 2006

mmm, taco frikkin bueno!

to my right, yummy goodies from the local gourmet store.
in front of me, papers with people i know on the pages.

the festival of food here is in full swing and running. it ranges from organic foofoo pasta samples to nachos to beef stroganoff and beyond. i don't know about you, but i allow myself a certain amount of unbridled indulgence (although that really sounds like some oxymoronica) when on vacation. add to that the fact that everyone wants to feed me while i'm at home and now you've got a recipe for FUDFUDFUDTASTICA! not copious amounts or anything, but a constantly meal-centric frame of events.

eee! kris just called and she's on her way here form kansas. veronica is coming in from dallas. i feel like i have my own gravitational pull. hey are you calling me fat, buddy?! i'm just kinda big boned... err, large framed. squishy and squeezy, as it be. if i eat the second burrito i bet we can lure someone else into town.

more about my food:
it's just one of those things having to do with wanting what you can't have. even if we did have a taco bueno in seattle it still wouldn't be the same. how many times have you heard (or uttered) the phrase "but it's jussssst NOT the saaaaaame" when adapting to a different version of the exact same damn thing? so no matter what i have in my new home, there are still things and places in my oklahomie that are just different. the new things are terrific and all that, but i'd sooner have a myspace booty call page than try to compete with the power of sentiment. it's just not the same.

p.s. i know people in the paper here. eee!

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