22 December 2006

random side notes - chapter eight

subtitle: discombobulated and quizzical excitement abound!

today we had to call 911 at work because an elderly lady passed out cold in the front of the store. no shit. this lady was something in the area of, i'm guessing, eighty-ish and she just suddenly dropped like a stone. after she was done fainting and scaring the crap out of us, she sat in a chair insisting that she was fine. sure, toots... we'll just take your word for it and send you toddling along. right. an hour later, the paramedics finally decided she would be okay to take a taxi home. before she left, she insisted on getting her gifts wrapped.

let us segue to taxis now. derek had to take a taxi to the airport on his last trip. if he'd caught it within the "downtown hotel district" it would have cost a flat 28 bucks. since he caught it near the house, which is two mini-sized blocks outside of that, it was 33 dollars. 5 dollars for two blocks? whaaaaaa..?!?!?!

he caught a limo home from the airport on the return trip for a flat rate of 35 dollars.

i lost my wallet for three days and didn't even realize it until this afternoon. luckily, it was in the house and i found it a few hours ago. i can't even imagine the drama that would've ensued had it not been there, but it made me feel good that i can get by without spending much money when i'm out. amazing how long a fiver can last you when you bring your lunch to work.

only one more day of hell until i get a three day weekend. when was the last time i had three days off in a row during december? when was the last time i even had two days off in a row during december? or more than two days off during that entire month? there are days when i still miss having my store, there are some days when i don't miss being my own boss.

wandering around the house made me realize something. we are twitchy about umpacking. it still looks about the same as it did a few weeks ago. is it possible that we just don't want to get settled in for fear of having to move again in a few months? we can't pick a couch, we've stopped hanging any more pictures, and the feng shui element is in a state of mental block. i just can't seem to think of my house as my home lately and thus try not to get too comfortable here. we even look at furniture in terms of how easy it is to get up and down stairs. it could just be multiple move aftershock. i'm still not going to plan too far ahead yet.

bubba is the most codependent cat that has ever lived with me. he's in the corner sulikng right now because i wanted my lap to myself for a while. dizzy is prowling around my chair demanding that i stare at her adoringly. stuart is presumably licking the side of the cat tent and wrestling with a blanket.

like the jews on xmas eve at the chinese restaurants, we've come up with our own holiday tradition. we'll be having indian food on xmas again this year. it's no india palace where we can run into lots of people we know, but we've invited a small group of people to join us. even better, it's a good place to hide from a holiday that i don't celebrate. mmm, samosas and chai.

i heart crappe. (two syllables of crap!) tiny cute things and neat little stationery seem to be my calling in life. it's probably because crazy tchotchke gotsa lotsa personality. funny what you can tell about a person by the magnets that make them giggle or the pens they like to use.

politically incorrect phrases i like:
playing cards with the tards
don't be such a girl
that's so gay


Zhenia said...

Always take a towncar if you can. I don't know if the flat rate is always a better a deal, but their commission for hotel staff kept me in gelato money during my grad school days.

Happy Indian Food Eating!

lizgwiz said...

Merry Indian foodmas! (Merry Chaimas? Merry Samosamas?)

georgeious said...

zhen, will do on the towncar advice. thanks for the tip.

foodmas - i like it. maybe fudmas? with an umlaut, because i heart umlauts.