20 December 2006

this meets that over there

the leg bone is definitely connected to the hip bone.

behold, i am the mighty agitator, and i specialize in coo-winky-dink. (no spark plugs required) here is a short list of topics and items in my life that have come up in completely unrelated ways this week:
ding fries are done!
indian food
left handed books
emotions about bread
oklahoma! the musical

how bizarre to really discover that convergence is all around us, if only you stop at the right meeting points. they say - they being the mysterious "them" - that timing is everything. occasionally they have the unlikely fortune of being correct. all of the things on my list even fit within scott's new rule that you're not allowed to be the one to bring the topic up for it to count. see now, that would be cheating, and i prefer my coo-winky-dink to be pure.

serendipity is my new middle name. or is it synchronicity? could be a bit of both, thus being named synchrodipity. this will be added to the list of words i've allegedly coined, such as the infamous epiphanetic or fauxchronistic of yesterweek. and who could forget the ever-popular yuhanukwanzochrismadan? but i digress once again, as usual.

what was i talking about?

what i'm reading lately:
mindless eating
mavericks at work

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