29 December 2006

just wondering...

it's almost the new year. got any resolutions? i do. maybe i'll keep a few of them this year. it's probably better to make more than one resolution so that you can keep at least one. i'm going to hedge my bets that way, at least. what the hell does that mean anyway - hedge a bet? i was never quite sure how to interpret certain colloquialisms and phrases. it sounds like something really stupid. it might be something really stupid.

maybe i should just stick to using language that i understand. that could be another resolution for me. but i'm still not going to pronounce foilage correctly, and i'm still going to use the word "broughten" in everyday conversation. as for the rest, wish me luck for the new year. good luck to you, too.

last movie i saw:
land of the dead


lizgwiz said...

I resolved several years ago never to make New Year's resolutions again. And that one, I HAVE KEPT!

The Forgotten Wonder Triplet said...

I have a couple New Years Resolutions:

1: I'm going to learn how to knit.

2: I'm going to learn how to play chess.

3: I will play more RPGs, with PEOPLE.

4: I will get a boyfriend. Dammit.

Yes, '07 will be a learning year for me.

georgeious said...

yes liz, i treied to make that one, but i broke it almost immediately. don't you just love the irony of it? then i resolved to make more of them, but in smaller and more manageable pieces. that one has been a thing i can do.

how can one play rpg's WITHOUT people??!? i'll play chess with you once you learn. promise not to get nerdy about it.