read it out loud and you'll get a sense of how i sound this evening. it would seem that i have sympathy illness, courtesy of mary. the loogies are taking over, and my shoulders are approximately two inches above my ears from curling into a pathetic ball of sickieness. blech. i think the top of my head just slid of and bounced on the floor.
derek is a sweetie and got me THE QUIL!!! oh, and some comfort foods to ease the pain. he even made me grilled cheese and tomato basil soup while he parked me on the new sofa for the evening. i have been sitting here ever since, in between sessions of shuffling around in pajamas announcing, "i'b sick. i dunt feew good." (add little sniffle and cough sound effects) after a minute or so, i feel faint and wander back to the couch to watch more king of the hill and family guy recorded on the dvr. and i'm on the QUIL! it's like the morphine drip of OTC medication. green, orange, red... just pick a color and enter the quil coma. please check your car keys at the door.
normally, i'm a pretty tough cookie. whiny? yes. but also tough? hell yes. when i'm sick it's a tale of horror and mishap. how fortunate that derek is better at taking care of sickie george than george is at taking care of sickie derek. when he's ill i just try to stay clear of the germs and keep the lights off so he'll sleep through it. mr. fussypants isn't a fun guy; he doesn't let me make fun of his sickie shuffling like i let him do to me.
oh, and furthermore, laying on the new sofa drooling with medicine haze and cracker crumbs flinging themselves off of your pj pants is not the time to be watching a movie like donnie darko. i tried, really, but that shit just put me to sleep. i woke up right at the end to discover that i hadn't missed a fucking thing. but it has a really good soundtrack. i do have SOME taste. on occasion.
i'll return with a random side note entry when i come out of my haze, including some highlights that just might consist of things like this:
why i missed liz's blog lately
i ran into someone from tulsa
rhiannon's notions and crap
my cable modem hates me
Feel better! I'm getting over a cold and now I'm nursing Ptichka through a cold/flu thing. She's been watching disaster flicks and dog movies to get through it. 8 Below? Unspeakably cute puppies there.
So my drippy nose and sore throat are a sympathetic response to your sympathetic response to Mary, I guess. I haven't progressed to 'Quil yet, but I'm zincing myself silly.
how many chewable vitamins can one girl chew? i'll let you know. now stop getting sick, everyone!
I noticed the very beginnings of a cold-related sore throat. I ran myself over to the nearest drugstore and bought me some Zicam. I took the Zicam as prescribed. Cold lasted one day.
It takes like metal ass, that zicam, but its a miracle drug.
I shall worship it as my new god.
now stop getting sick, everyone!
Too late. My head cold is now a chest cold. Whee! Move over on the couch, you and share your Nyqu!l.
awwww, i'll share the new sofa with you, and we can make derek do grilled cheese and tomato soup for us. he's about the only one left standing right now.
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