25 January 2007

sweetmeat, you look vuurry vurryyy pritty toonaight


you know what today is, don't you? today is the day that mary comes to seattle! this could be the reason why i'm having a hard time getting sleepy; as if i need another excuse to stay up late, since i do that anyway. derek is going to pick her up this morning. then he can show off our new house and entertain her until i get off work and burst forth with tears of joy.

mary is bringing her digital camera and a big suitcase. now we can load her up with fluevogs and take lots of pictures. of course, i have no idea how to get the fucking photos to appear on the computer, so you'll have to depend on her for the visuals. i embrace my suckage to the fullest... but i will watch and try to figure out how to work these fancy newfangled type things and make note for future use.

in preparation for mary's visit, we have done some cleaning/rearranging. there was a slight feng shui attack, induced by the new sofa, and i've been itching to put the kitchen table up and get some more space going on in here. at some point after we moved in here, it would be safe to say that we simply gave up on unpacking. although we kept on cleaning up after ourselves and making the space we were using tidy, we were neglecting to even look in any more boxes. "making a dent" has been our theme for the week. yes i do know that mary loves me no matter what. i also know that we're getting sick of just having shit all over the place. thus, in the wake of converging factors, we were inspired to at least consolidate the mass. at least four boxes left the house. yay!

in honor of cleaning, i got new stuff. or derek got me new stuff. but it's just a little thing - it's only one dvd! seems that they've finally put "the kathy and mo show" out on dvd (with parallel lives and the dark side!) and he surprised me with it last night. eee! let the obsessive behaviour begin! i've already watched a ton of the two-disc set and i'm sure mary will want to veg out on some hank and karen sure with me. on our new sofa. in our less cluttered house. while being goofy. with mary. EEEEE!!!

chick lit i'm enjoying this week:
polly by amy bryant


lizgwiz said...

Have fun, fun, fun! I feel pretty sure we'll hear the EEEEEEs all the way from here.

georgeious said...

it's a whole week of pajama party time, woooooohoooo! i love that you think so highly of the signature squeal.

Bonnie Rae said...

So where's all the pictures ? I just KNOW you've taken pictures !