01 January 2007

cheep cheep cheep - inspired by yet another documentary on wal-mart in taking over the world and how i feel bad when i get what i want for myself

when i stopped to think about it earlier today, i realized that i have finally learned how to spend some money on myself. not the kind of spending that equals a few stickers and a nice meal, either, but not any outrageously irresponsible consumerism.

the thing is, there aren't a lot of things that i need. as of late, there seem to be fewer things that i even want, but i do try to make it count when i buy. there were some dvd purchases that i made with a half off coupon. we got those fancy shoes that will last until the end of time, but the guy was nice and gave us a deal; it was sort of a bonus since i was prepared to pay full price to get the exact shoes i wanted. the calendar on the wall was clearanced out... as luck would have it, this calendar is the same one i thought about getting last year.

it's great to save money when you can, but it's nice to be able to spend a bit on yourself when you really like something. i really enjoyed my trip home and even managed not to stress about the cash i spent. maybe i could put off some media purchases, and maybe i shouldn't go out for lunch once a week.

so fucking what. so. fucking. what.

and furthermore, there is more to life than being cheap. (no, i'm not even going to call it frugal here. frugal has flair. i'm talking about being cheap with yourself.) i don't want to become the human version of a wal-mart supercenter. no one ever lived a happy life by confining themselves to an existence that equals a 9 cent can of creamed corn.

yes, i will continue to "chintz out" and be frugal on things. i'll still shop mostly on the endcaps at target and look for things that are a decent bargain. i have no qualms whatsoever about getting my jeans from the clearance rack. reuse will continue to be a major staple in my vocabulary. will i cry when i get a new pair of socks and the buyer's remorse starts to tug at me before i even pay? NO. well, not much. well, i'll try to leave the store before i cry. so.fucking.what. right? i can afford to splurge on some nice things, some fun things, some shit that i like.

besides, i have a raging case of charity and gifting that evens out the couch i'm eventually going to buy. yes i am! i'm getting a couch one of these days! we have it narrowed down and we're almost ready to commit. WE WILL HAVE A COUCH!

what i did at work today:
stared at merchandising lists

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