11 January 2007

a bit pretty

i am not the beautiful one in the family. never have been. and for many years i was the type of girl that men would cross the room to speak with so that they could ask me if the friend standing next to me was single. there have also been a few incidences of lasting effect involving practical jokes being played by the cool kids back in my school days.

not that i let this stop me from becoming the slutty, always got a new boyfriend kind of girl as a reached an age where boys no longer had cooties. in fact, i was quite the flirtatious little trollop for some time. it's amazing how little one has to do to cultivate a bad reputation. it never bothered me, though. just one more way it made things easier when it came to getting a date.

these days i think i'm somewhere in between. though no longer the ho-bag that i proudly wore the badge of in the past, i am still a flirt. though not the prettiest one on my block, i would have to say that my looks could easily be considered quite striking. yep, i'm appealing. i'm in balance as to my squeezy bits. i have a look of my own, one that is definitely not u-g-l-y and you ain't got no alibi. i have my yucky days, but i am learning to live with how i look and who i am on the outside. and if i feel like a bump on a log, there's always the fashion thing. i have great taste in socks.

cutey patootie me.

last thing i looked up on wikipedia:
peanut butter jelly time


lizgwiz said...

You are striking. And flirty. And you have most excellent socks!

derek said...

yes - she is striking! and i have the bruises to prove it! :)

{insert rimshot sound effect here}

georgeious said...

i feel a sock spree coming on. we all need more stripey knee high socks!