08 January 2007

blehhhhh-sicky girl says CHEEEEEEESE!

excuse me for my extended stepping out. i had been getting in the habit of writing a little something every day or two until i found myself face fist in the living room floor for a few days. really, i like to sleep on the floor. it makes me feel better when i'm a pathetic little sicky baby. if only i had vacuumed up some of that cat hair before i fell asleep in it. by the time i woke up on saturday morning (on the floor of the only room in the house with carpeting) i looked like a human hairball. where do they get all this hair?!? shouldn't they be bald by now?

if not for the package i got this weekend, it may have been a festival of "oh, i'm a big wussy but i really don't feel good and could you make me a fried egg because i'm hungry and you love me" in the house. after getting home on friday i passed out and didn't leave, or even get dressed again, until this evening. i'm telling you, when i'm not feeling well all sense of personal appearance goes away and all thoughts go right to gnawing on some red meat and cheese. this brings me to my point, as i got a whopping box filled with cheese-o-rama happiness from julie. seriously. it had like four pounds of cheese, including a spready thing with horseradish that is super good. did i mention that someone has obviously been paying attention?

mmm, cheese and avocado sammich sounds really good right now. julie rocks like the way hot chick at a heavy metal arena concert judas priest tailgate party. woohooo!!!

i'd better lay off a little before my gift starts cutting into my social life via my digestive system. not that i'm intolerant or anything, but some pretense of moderation would probably be better for me than a wild rampage of dairy. besides - it CHEESE. it's not like the mighty but somewhat fussy avocado that goes bad faster than it should. i'll be the first to defend the honor of the avocado, but holy bejeezus that is one touchy fruit of the earth. it is a fruit. i think.

did i ever tell you about the time i had a dream about being lactose intolerant? it was not pretty. it involved many tears, some continuing even after i awoke and had to think about a life without cheese. ::: shudder :::

what film i saw after leaving the house:
children of men (brace yourself for this one)


lizgwiz said...

Do you ever sing to yourself the old cheese ad ditty: "I hanker for a hunka, a slab or slice or chunka, I hanker for a hunka cheese. When you're dancin' a hoedown and your boots kinda slow down, or any time you're weak in the knees..."

'Cause if you don't, you should. It's fun!

Mary said...

This weekend I made this parmesan & cheddar bread that was sooooo amay-may! Possibly the world's most perfect food.

Re: Children of Men. Is that a recomendation? A warning? What?

I saw your latest postcard on "Place Stamp Here"! And I thought, "Hey, I recognize that postcard! Because I gave it to george for her birthday! And I recognize that sticker, too. Because ..." Kinda surreal, but I like it! ;)

And hey. I put photos from Xmas on my blog. Check it out, yo.

georgeious said...

derek saw an article last week about how some uk ministry is declaring cheese a junk food, because it's so fatty or something. and thus i felt sorry for all the little kids that would never learn the hunka cheese song. even thought they probably wouldn't learn it anyway since they're not on this continent.

liz, will you sing it lounge style in an act for me next time i'm at home?

mary, you're famous! show off your postie to all far and wide. by the way, if i tip my laptop screen just right, i can see the hologram of"there" that's on it. freaky.