29 April 2006

having a little fun

we've been scouting out a few touristy things this week. the beach, some studios, ritzy parts of the city, and so forth. i find that i'm fairly unimpressed with most of it. there sure is a lot of scuzz-o-rama out there. did i think it would be bigger or more fancy? maybe my subconscious knows that i live here now, even if i'm still in denial on a conscious level, which would explain my sort of whatever attitude on most things. we do like to (and i say "we" here because i've caused derek to get into this habit now) drive past the hollywood bowl and let out a howl each time. HO'Y-WOOD BOOOOOOOOOWWLLLLL!!! yes it's dumb, but mysteriously entertaining, and fast becoming a tradition in the car. the most far out thing i've seen this week is a bum in the park when we were driving through beverly hills. a bum in beverly hills! dogs in dresses, i tell you!

i've also noticed that, in spite of the fact that this place is really big (like i mean it's fucking huge. it's a land mass of its own here) it's on a loop. every few miles you'll run across the same types of things - vet's office, office supplies, car dealerships, department stores, etc. until you run into it all over again. only the names of the restaurants seem to change. it's sort of like playing an album on repeat until you can't take it anymore. some days you love the songs and hear a new nuance each time it plays, but other days you just want to throw the cd player across the room and watch it smash into tiny pieces. thus my relationship with this new place goes so far. back and forth, teeter and totter. i was always the fat kid on the see-saw. does that mean anything in this instance?

speaking of donuts, derek says it's time to get out into the world. we're going to check out a nearby street festival to see if there are any funnel cakes or turkey legs about. i hope they aren't tofu legs out here. we saw a slide that looks like a fifty foot tall spiral staircase that i'd like to try and we can get our faces painted. i think it's saint someone-or-another church that's putting the whole hoo-ha on. sounds catholic to me. i bet there's liquor involved.

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