07 April 2006

slumber par-tay

so tim left yesterday for chapel hill, and now mary is staying with me for the weekend. we're having a four day slumber party! i even cooked for the occasion. okay, so what if it was mac and cheese - that still counts, damnit. this will have to be short, because we have to go watch some vh1 and eat lemon cookies before we drift off and stuart paralyzes mary from the knees down. how did that cat become so heavy? shut up, i do not feed them that much.... no reallly. i don't.

with all the positive press about the show, mary is making fun of my big fat head. i'm a total press whore and she's having a good dig at my ego just to keep me grounded. however, she has pointed out the fact that it's good for people to see that i can do a good job on stage, and peope who haven't used me in the past but are seeing this can just EAT THIS, FUCKERS! (that was so totally her idea, not mine. but i like it.) hey, that's how i've always felt about her on stage, so it's nice to get the same big ups coming back at me. eee!

i've settled into a new theory these days. sometimes you don't know what you want, right? at those times you should have an avocado. seriously. it's a good patch for confusion. just think - guacamole. mmmmmm. okay fine, so if you don't like avocados then just have a banana instead. and don't ask me why. could it be perhaps that both foods have gotten a bad rap in the past and need a boost? rage against the machine, ye goody foods! stick it to the man! rebel!

did i really just advise foods to stand up and have a revolution?

mary has just realized that those poor avocados don't get to vote. shit, they don't even get minimum wage. so next time you're feeling abused and lonely, just think of the mighty avocado and the awesome banana. bruise not foods that will heal you.

time for some trash tv!

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