09 April 2007

the old grey mare ain't what she used to be

it's not quite clear what's happened to me over the past several months, but it is very clear that i'm falling apart. in a normal year i rarey get sick or dilapidated. there are always those days here and there that i "don't feel good" and whine around the house, but actual pathetic behavior is reserved for those times when i really need sympathy to tide me over. whether it's all the moves or climate changes or whatever in the past year, my body has decided that it's not going to take my normal abuse anymore. it is officially time for me to slow down. or speed up and get fit. or be nicer to myself. something like that.

my work schedule leaves me tired most of the time during the week. there is that lucky day when i don't have to be there until ten, but it's mostly getting to work early. EARLY. like before 8 am. people keep telling me that i'll get used to it, that my body will get adjusted, but six months later i'm still hurting. i can't sleep at night very well because i'm paranoid about being late to work. mornings are shot because i can't wake up mentally for several hours since i didn't rest properly. i spend most of the afternoon in a daze because i'm exhausted. after i get home i fight to stay awake, or at least not nap too long and end up all night again. and so it goes, with me spending the whole time wondering why it hurts more and more now. aren't i supposed to be "used to it" by now? why do i feel worse after so many months of getting adapted to my schedule? whine whine whine.

not to be predictable, but i think i'm allergic to sunlight. i woke up this morning and my eyes were all red and scratchy. thye stayed that way until... well, they're still red and scratchy right now. once we got outside i started sneezing. and sneezing. about a dozen times in a row. literally. each time i went outside today it just got worse. is it the sun or the cats or spring or what? i've never had allergies before (an amazing feat when you come from okie dokie), so i can't really pinpoint the source of my pain here. i could be allergic to my job, or the schedule, or just everything around me. i'm a mess.

my back is rebelling in the form of spasms. something got pulled the wrong way over the weekend and i'm now sitting, sprawling, nay - lolling on the new sofa with a heating pad on my lumbar area. (yes, i use terms like lumbar area now.) derek rolled out a box of doan's pills yesterday while i was squrgling in pain on the floor. excuse me? doan's? don't ask me why it's in the house. those are his pills. he's an old lady. the best part of the doan's/heating pad/spasm thing is the side effects. doan's seems to upset my stomach, so that i need to eat something with it, but whatever i eat feels like it's churning in my belly after i take the pills. and since i feel all yucky, my teeth are clenched and my head hurts. in the end, i've resorted to the lay-around-the-living-room school of health. if anyone out there has some percocet or lortab that they're not using, i could take them off of your hands. maybe it's time to call one of my doctors back home and beg for drugs.

speaking of home, i'll be in for a visit right after i see mary. i got plane tickets! so now i run off to north carolina on the 21st, then i'll spend the next weekend at home. of course i'm excited as all hell to go on vacation with tim and mary and holly, but getting to go to taco bueno as a topper to the week will totally rock. okay okay, i'm coming home to see people. maybe even the dentist. maybe i'll get good drugs while i'm there. for now i should just go back to sleep so that i can start waking up in the middle of the night in a shock because i think i'm running late.

whine whine, complain complain.

things to do on vacation:
renew my car tags
smoke indoors while sitting down
look at real estate with mary
get my teeth cleaned
eat FUD - lots and lots of FUD
be leisurely


lizgwiz said...

Not to be discouraging or anything, but my body has NEVER gotten used to starting work at 8:00, and I've been doing it for over ten years now. Okay, I guess that is discouraging, after all. I'm certainly discouraged. But I'm sure your body is also dealing with all the moves and changes and exposure to different allergens, so maybe it will ease up some soon.

I've got a bottle of unused Darvocet. Not that I'm offering it to you, as that would be a flagrant violation of federal law, and all. I'm just sayin'. ;)

Zhenia said...

I was sick tonnes this winter. I usually have a mild cold at some point and that's it. Hmmm...at least it's not just me?

Some people just aren't morning people, I think. I live with a night owl who is never going to be pleasant until about noon.

georgeious said...

liz, i feel completely disheartened, you bitch. i'll be in town to kick your ass soon. kisses. (my goodness, how do you do it?!)

zhen, your night owl will always be wandering the kitchen at 2 am and shuffling about restlessly when the rest of the world is asleep. hope you're not a light sleeper. :)