20 April 2007

what liz wants to know... or, welcome to my interview

our virtual interview today comes to you courtesy of liz (of the infamous lizland - see lizgwiz), who recently accepted the challenge from stefanie (from stefanie says) to be emailed 5 questions to answer. my question is, who will be ready for a similar challenge after i get done? hmmmmmmmm???

1. I don't recall ever hearing the story--how did you and Derek first meet?

well, uh, it's kinda fuzzy, really. from the age of 13, i was a club kid. yes, i used to be the cool type who would dance all night and then finish off with biscuits and gravy before hitting the sack at about 9 am. a few years later, derek and i were both hitting the same social reject circles at the max, which was a gay afterhours club at the time. not so long after our initial "hi, i think we know the same people and maybe we drank together" casual meeting, he showed up at my house one day with my roommate. (of course she turned out to be psycho, but i can always thank her for getting me and derek talking.) i took one look at his huge glasses, chicken ankles, and goofy clothes and i knew: that's the one. we didn't start dating for some time after that, but i really did have a crush on him for months until he finally came around and gave in to my ultimate charm. fifteen years later and he's still got chicken ankles. yep. he's the one.

2. A multi--pronged question: What was your favorite show ever to act in? What was your favorite show to direct? And what show is first on your list of shows you MUST do some day? (Mine, of course, is Betty's Summer Vacation.) What was your favorite show in which you threw on a sheet and dashed on and off stage as a ghost?

i heart seventy scenes of halloween! being a ghostie who literally couldn't see a fucking thing while wandering about on the stage? and the raw meat? woohooo! i also enjoy receiving compliments about my "performance" in the vagina monologues... considering i was never in it. my favorite so far? any time where people say, "it was so good that i forgot it was YOU out there."

this will sound like a crap answer, but i've already gotten to direct some seriously way cool plays. i lead a very lucky directing life; nearly everything has been fan-frikkin-tabulous. i must admit that i have a weak spot for parallel lives and book of liz because of one thing - we laughed so hard at rehearsals even when we had trauma and bad days and mishaps. the oddities of those shows somehow made perfect sense all the time. what do i want to do now? grrr, i have to think on that. perhaps something with a great male role i won't get to play.

3. The old stand-by: what person, living or dead, would you choose as a dinner companion if you could? (It's not your last meal or anything, so don't factor in saying goodbye or finally telling some asshole how you really felt. Hee.)

if it's not the obvious derek (or other close peep) answer... sidney poitier or KV or eleanor roosevelt. this list could really go on and on. i'm not good at making choices today, am i? let's flip a three-sided coin on this and say sidney. for today.

4. If you could only read one book/watch one movie/listen to one CD/eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would they be?

you're doing a whole bunch of making me pick one thing at a time. i'm feeling some major pressure here! you know how great i am at vacillating, and yet you squeeze my little brain like this. okay then, i'll try to just go for it without thinking too hard this time. short and sweet, like a tiny cookie.
book: i love everyone (and other atrocious lies). hardy har har!
movie: moulin rouge. weep, sing, weep, gush.
cd: the joshua tree. oooh, le sigh.
food: loaded chicken nachos... got a bit of everything!

5. You've been offered a really great job--but you're required to wear nothing but navy blue suits, neutral hose and navy blue pumps. Oh, and you can only wear one pair of small stud earrings (total) and muted lipstick. How quickly do you tell them to shove it up their ass?

i'm sorry. you didn't even get to the end of the question before i started spouting obscenities and moving on to another imaginary job offer. but i do own a tube of muted lipstick, believe it or not, for those days when i'm feeling... well, muted.

Bonus question: do you think you'll ever move back to Tulsa? Maybe when we're all old and gray, so we can form our own wacky version of 'Round the Bend and Over the Cutting Edge Players? ;)

wouldn't you like to know? hehehe. lately i have no idea where i'll be next. i think it's good to get out there and adventure, but i do miss home. and your dazzling wit, dah-link. let's call our old grey group the hip replacements or the spare parts, shall we?

whew! long-winded is one thing i do well, but i must kiss you all goodnight for now. anyone who is up for the challenge of a virtual interview, shoot me the breeze and i'll think up some humdingers for you. you know you want to...

up next:
sisyphus goes on a vacay! (must finish packing...)


lizgwiz said...

Good answers. Sidney Poitier...yum.

I must confess that I giggled my way all the way through the imaginary job offer question, picturing you (or myself, for that matter) spending every day in a navy blue suit and pumps. Unless it was for a play, of course, then I'd suit up like a champ. ;)

derek said...

actually, my history with george goes back to kindergarten but we never met until we were 17/18. we both went to the same kindergarten and had the same kindergarten teacher. our families had offices next door to each other, and our parents knew each other through business, but we didn't. even with fate trying to slam our heads together since Mrs. Wolfe's kindergarten classes at Roy Clark elementary, it took a gay bar at 3am to finally get us to meet - and the rest is history :)


The Forgotten Wonder Triplet said...

you can ask me questions, if you wanna.

georgeious said...

liz, i knew you were being evil. can you even imagine me wearing navy blue and pantyhose?

and yes, derek and i did have the same kindergarten teacher. (tankoo for reminding me of that, sweetie!) we could've ended up like ships in the night if not for our unruly behaviour. amazing how coowinkydink works, eh?

tanya, we sent your interview!