02 June 2006

squeeze my cheeze

tonight was the cheesiest night of all so far. at least it topped my cheesy los angeles list. being so entirely proud of this fact, i must tell you that we dorked out for hours. we moved from regular cheesiness all the way into liquid nacho cheese, into cheez whizziness. eee! what could be so gooey? the sequence of events that led to our fun, of course.

after chatting with nick and grove tonight, i felt the compulsion to go get myself some old-fashioned trash. we love in touch and ok! magazines. we must get our fix! my spirits were up and i needed some good trash, so derek took sally (the gps unit that's supposed to know where everything is here) with us to find it. she promptly took us on a wild goose chase to beverly hills. the store did not look friendly and we were looking for a different one in the first place, so we gave sally a good thrashing and managed to find the spacious, brightly lit borders on sunset. after a fairly disorienting time at borders, we went a-cruising in the cool evening breeze on sunset boulevard. i pose a question here that ties it all together for you. tell me which is more disturbing: spending an hour tooling around town feeling vaguely lost because you've totally forgotten the names of streets, a borders with no chai where all of the employees are wearing the same uniform, or the idea of having lemon custard cake and coffee with cream on the patio at the hustler store? that's not just any old quandary.

actually, the hour drive was pretty nice. as previously noted, evenings make me happy because they're jacket weather. derek let me babble without complaint most of that time and we never truly got lost. we've taken to a-cruising as of late. it gets us out of the house and exploring the geography, even of we don't mingle with the wildlife.

the best part? this is going to sound really fucked when i say it, too. hustler had a decent dessert and some damn good coffee. i've had a string of bad luck in the past few weeks with some diluted watery crapola, so when the boy behind the counter told me to just try it, i felt i had nothing to lose. voila - it was coffee flavored coffee! the other bizarre thing was the friendly demeanor of the joint. most places we go barely even acknowledge our existence, or if they do it's like a swarm of bees pushing us to buy buy buy. being greeted with a smile and a genuine hello (not a nasal-infested "may i help you? want to see things in the case? what are you looking for today?") was refreshing, to say the least. woohoo, the amiably pressure-free experience of hanging out at hustler. who knew?


Zhenia said...

Ah, but did you get your magazines? Did ya? I like to read Oh la la! because it's trashy and I get to practice my French.

georgeious said...

oh yes, i picked up a copy of OK! at borders before we left. it was entirely necessary, though i'm sad i didn't find an in touch yet this week.

but the real bonus is the issue of people derek got for me tonight. it's the june 12th issue, and it has two of my friends in it. really! i feel so vocaiously like a rock star again. eee!!!!

georgeious said...

uhhh, that word was supposed to be vicariously. or was it voraciously? see, i got all confused and shit. whoops.

candace and fritschie!!!