14 March 2006

tankoo mucho aimee mann

there has been this sort of like cathartic stonewall going on in my life. it's probably coming about so that i'm not too wiggy about the move and the play and this and that and blahbitty blah woof woof woof. there is always so much going on in one's life, isn't there? even when it all seems boring, people always say to you "oh, but i've just been so busy that i never feel like i get anything done." surely there's at least one thing getting done if you're that busy, right? i damn well hope so. enough of this sisyphus crap. let's roll!

this evening when i got home from rehearsal i decided to just let it rip, so to speak. no, i wasn't gassy or anything. i just wanted to go ahead and have an emotional vomit to lift my spirits. fine fine fine - i'll just play music to make me cry and sit here wallowing. or perhaps something to get me pissed off at the whole world so i can get my screaming cardio in for the month. the funny thing was, it didn't make me brood or sob or even feel sorry for myself. i felt... engaged in my life. part of it. aware. it made me wonder how many times i get "so busy" that i forget to be in my own life.

rehearsal always makes me so damn bullshitty.

purge! purge! purge! let the cleaning of the house continue. the three o'clock barfies, as we call them in my house, have subsided so it's time to carpe diem on all my weird shit. garage sales, charity, and re-gifting to all!

wanna know the dumbest thing i said today? "guess what i did last night? my own laundry! for the first time in six years!" don't judge, you little widgets. i'm in charge of going to the grocery store and emptying the litterbox. it's a fair trade. i can barely cook. should i really be allowed to mix my whites and colors unsupervised? derek and i really need a housewife to clean up after us. too bad i have trust issues when it comes to my stuff.


Unknown said...

I'm envious of your feeling engaged in your life. I think I'm so not that rightnow. I think you'd inspire me to quit my job too if I didn't need the health insurance to get preggers.
I'm going to TRY to get some time off that isn't family crap this week.......

ps we both do the laundry - he even knows that very few of my clothes go in the dryer (shirnkage) but he does the grocery shopping.

derek said...

heheheh... sisyphus... let's roll... hahahahah

do you even get it???

