21 May 2010

today i will not think too hard

this week is very up and down in my moods. yes, i'm even considering taking an extra spot of meds to keep me going, but i know i won't actually do it. today is a very bad day - for me, for derek, for dizzy. in order to feel like myself, i must act as if it is a very average day instead.

to be an average day, that would mean i would drink coffee in the morning and write about most anything that came to mind. that would mean i would do something oddly stupid in the kitchen, like dry my socks in the microwave. an average day would find me tugging at my hair because it's now past my shoulders once again and the summer makes that kind of unbearable, like i might go shave my head on a whim. i would talk to scott about an email, i would put on sunscreen while listening to podcasts, and i would surreptitiously clean something while i was waiting for my socks to dry. so, i suppose this is an average day in what i have done so far.

today we are also going to attend a celebration for ryan's graduation. she's excited about getting into the art school of her choice and i want to encourage her in her first big adventure as an adult. this evening i have to see a rehearsal from one of the teens and get ready for the show i'm in right now. there are long breaks between my scenes, so i'll read a book or send text messages to people during the show. this will be an average day.

what i'm looking at:
photo of nick and megan on my computer
presents to ship to mary
the homework i still need to do


lizgwiz said...

A bad day for Dizzy? That does not sound good. I'm sad for you.

vee said...

average day. schmaverage day....(you know what i reallly what to write...) i heart you.

BRAEN said...

Sorry, Georgie ;( Hang in there.

Unknown said...

thank you ladies. i am sad but i will get through this.