22 November 2008

RIP, coffee

what will i do? how will i live? sigh.

the coffeemaker died this morning. i loved that little thing. megan left it for me as a gift with purchase of the apartment. it brewed quickly and had a timer i could operate with ease. i can hear those last puny drips of death from the kitchen now as it tries to make some sort of farewell sludge for me. i shall mourn the loss and move on with bravado to other caffeinated contraptions. boo hoo, sniff sniff... oh, the times we've shared.

errands for the day:
buy new coffeemaker
mail at post office (i'm back!)
audition for a play
get vitamins and cat litter


Anonymous said...

Oh no ! Not the coffeemaker !

Ours f**ked up earlier this month, so I feel your pain ! Hope the shopping gods were good to you today.

On a side note, I found the PERFECT Christmas card for you today ;)

Mary said...

Audition? Which play?

georgeious said...

the coffeemaker expedition was indeed successful. i managed to get one without freaking out and derek was very impressed. he says i've now passed the medication test. hehehe.