09 April 2008

random side notes - chapter sixteen

by the end of this week, i will be turning into a real director. who else is as crazy as me, attempting to direct THREE shows at once? my brain is surely going to turn to mush by the end of the summer. i don't care. this should be a grand time for all involved.

did you know that seth godin has his own action figure? i don't know why, but this cracks me up to no end.

last week derek went to albany for work. while there, he stopped by kate's lazy meadow motel, a catskills retreat owned by kate from the B-52's. eee! how cute! of course it's everything you might expect from someone like her, including "mid-century modern decor" and airstream trailers. he got me some goofy propoganda and promised to take me there next time he has to go through the area.

mary and i are trying to plan GirlParty '08 in june. veronica got in a show down in dallas, so we'd love to all get together and see her perform. i'm even willing to deal with the texas heat for this one. the next party i want to plan after that should be called northwest girlfest. by august i'll be in need of some serious vacationing and an escape from 100 degrees fahrenheit. how about it, my friends in that (very general) area? you up for random eating and dorking out?

holy shit! tanya just called me for lunch! she's in town from baltimore! how's that for a real time update?!? time to cut this installment short, for i simply must get out of my pajamas and look presentable.

the thing i'm wondering this week that might seem stupid at the outset, but when you toss it over in your head it starts to become a more intriguing sort of question:
do loggers like to recycle?


Mary said...

Seattle in August sounds beyond fabulous. I may have to join you. Consider yourself warned.

By the by, I'm not sure if Girl Party will work in June. Call V & talk about it. I'll be wherever I need to be whenever I need to be there.

georgeious said...

we'll see about june then. in any case, you should definitely join me in seattle for another ferry ride. and i know you were craving dick's not so long ago...

wait, did that sound dirty?

Mary said...

Yes. Yes it did.
