22 May 2007

short little note

did you know that this place has an entire weekend festival devoted to cheese? holy crap! it's all about the cheese!!! we went for a very brief drive by, only to be overwhelmed by the massive crowds in the market. beh, we don't need no stinking festical weekend. we already know of one or two different places around to get the good stuff. don't you worry about me and my cheese supply.

there is one thing i must say: i love the tv show heroes. it frikkin' makes me cry. yes yes, we know how many things - most things, really - make me cry; let's not go to that special cool runnings spot this evening. (and let's not talk about that next top model finale, either.) heroes is different. we just watched the finale of the season and wow. wow wow wow! that's all i can say.

what i'm looking forward to:
the police!
laurie notaro's new book
hogging the bed


The Dutchess of Desserts said...

re: heroes.

Amen, sista. I have a deep and abiding love for that show. The finale even put tears into MY eyes, I kept yelling "No! Not BOTH of them!".
But, never fear, its Heroes. Who knows what'll happen next season. Except Hiro goes to 17th century Japan.

lizgwiz said...

I'm having cheese issues. I've recently cut way back on my cheese intake, which is doing wonderful things for my waistline. But last night I decided to splurge on some tasty cheese nachos and my digestive system punished me for hours afterward. UNFAIR! Does it have to be all or nothing?

Mary said...

Did you know that the lady who played Sylar's mom also played Audrey in "Little Shop of Horrors"?

georgeious said...

liz, you poor thing! i once had a dream that i'd become lactose intolerant. i woke up crying afterwards. but good going on sticking with your new health thing.

tanya, the hiro/ando friendship makes me weep with joy.

mary - hello new homeowner!!!