24 May 2007

it's not that i don't want to talk to you...

each time i mean to call someone lately - because i DO mean to call people on occasion -
there seems to be an impediment. most days i come home from work and keep meaning to call friends. then it happens: a quick stop in the living room to relax for a minute followed by a super bubba sleeper hold. next thing i know, hours have passed and i've been drooling on the mini sofa with the cats. my nap time is totally interfering with my social life.

besides that, there is the time zone thing. it's two or three hours later in the cities i want to call,
so by the time i get back up and remember who i was supposed to be on the phone with, it's way too late there. sheesh, i'm a shitty friend. and an insomniac the rest of the time. that's probably because i sleep when i'm not supposed to and don't sleep when i'm supposed to be sleeping.

nap. stay up late. go to work early. get tired. nap.

it's a vicious circle that should clear itself up on the weekends. it should, right? you'd think so, wouldn't you? beh, i know i should just "go to bed early" once in a while to try and get everything back in order. that would seem to be the solution, if only my body would cooperate. damn weird body.

so, since i've missed calling the people i was going to call, let me say congratulations to mary and tim on their new house. let me say that i'm excited about veronica's upcoming visit. let me say hello to everyone else who i haven't been calling because i'm asleep at odd times. and let me say that i'm grateful for holly's corresponding insomnia. without it i would surely never to talk any of my people.

i'll call you later. really, i will. zzzzzz.....

the best thing we did this week:
cut off a ferrari in traffic because he was was going too slow and yapping away on his ferrari-logo-emblazened cell phone (i kid you not) and trying to look cool. but we were way cooler in the bug. go bug go!!!


lizgwiz said...

Obviously none of this is your fault. You are simply a victim of your circadian rhythms and your cats. Those are some powerful influences--you don't stand a chance!

Mary said...

Ooooh ... the Super Bubba Sleeper Hold! I've fallen victim to that before. Sooooo cozy. Totally understand, dear.

Ya know, sometimes that 3 hour time difference can work in your favor. For instance, if you're walking to work at 7 in the morning, it's already 10am in my world & I've been awake for hours! Nice how that works, isn't it? ;)

georgeious said...

so it's all mr. bubba's fault? wheee!!! that's what i'll tell them at work when i show up squinty and half asleep. some of them have met my cats and they'll vouch for me.

still hate being on the phone, but i can make exceptions once in a while when i'm not sleeping on the couch. speaking of which, guess who is sitting here trying to get to the keyboard? down, bubba!