26 January 2010

it's time for stimpy's birthday again!

should i feel guilty that his birthday felt more like it was my birthday? lemme explain this to you...

not only did i get my research proposal done, but i also made my yummy eggcakes for breakfast today. they're like pancakes, they're like crepes, they're like french toast, all rolled into one. mmm, mmm, good stuff. i'm certain i can make almost anything taste like a fabulous custard-like, french-toast-tasting piece of goodness if i just don't try too hard. it was an accidental recipe that turned out to be wonderful. more than that, derek eats them without me having to dare him to do it. now it's all up to me getting the proportions just right each time. if i can recreate them for mary someday, i think she'll be excited.

so i went off to school today, where i seemed to have some clue what i was talking about and even started conversation in class. and then to the meat market and to get some birthday chocolate for derek from the gourmet shop. pretty good day so far, right? wait, it gets better.

we got a coupon from a local italian place only a few blocks away. even though it might not be sexy to take your boyfriend out on a coupon, when it's for twenty bucks off dinner, he's definitely into it. when they throw in his birthday dessert for free (even after the twenty bucks!) life is super good. was it just because we got recognized by yet another local waiter who knows we like to tip before the discount? and it wasn't no stinking rubber cheesecake, neither. two steaks, lobster bisque, veggies, bruschetta, and a bananas foster cake - all for less than thirty bucks - is sexy enough for me, so coupon me up and take us out for dinner! num num num. bloody meat and steamed vegetables are good for the soul.

some time back, we bought season tickets to a dance series. it's contemporary dance groups from all over the world, some with musicians and vocalists in the mix. tonight was the ballet folklorico de mexico. wow wow wow is all i can say. i feel glee! who knew i would get the sudden, and possibly genetic, urge to start whooping and squealing along with so many others in the audience? i'm only partly brown, but when it comes to watching a show, these are really my people after all. they had a live mariachi band. eeeee!!! it was even exhausting to watch sometimes, as by the end of the first act the whole place was whipped into a frenzy of whistles and hollers. i couldn't be more happy that i got us tickets front and center. we could see every little thing, including the feathers blowing off costumes and dancing around the stage on their own. i'm pretty sure i got nailed with a bead of sweat, and when the ladies swung past with their fancy dresses, the breeze of the bright fabrics swept over us each time. the last number before intermission was a flurry, culminating in dancers wearing gigantic papier mache heads and swirling about through the aisles in the audience. even my strange fear of papier mache couldn't stop my gaping mouth from woohoos of delight... just after my terrified squawk at the sight of a twenty foot angel in a ginormously scary head.

by the time the show was over, i thought my face would fall off from smiling with joy. the last piece was a massive to do - streamers! flying! everywhere! boy, do i feel sorry for the staff there that has to clean up after because that stuff is all over the place. it was worth it to see the streamers being jettisoned not only at the front section, but over our heads and covering at least the front half of the audience. the aftermath is awesome in all senses of the word.

to make things even cooler than that, i met a writer tonight! on our way in, we stopped by to say hello to our friend cyndi, the house manager. she was worried that we'd come to see august: osage county and hadn't gotten in due to the late seating policy. (by the way, i'm totally into a no late seating thing until the scene change, as this show is being done. get a fucking watch, people.) i told her that no, we were going downstairs for a later show and i'm seeing august on sunday. this was a relief to her, as she pointed out the playwright hovering about on the steps. turns out several people, including tracy letts himself, had been shut out promptly at curtain time. oh, the hilarious irony of it all! i pointed my finger in his direction and said, "hey, you're the writer. i know your mom and your aunt. they're so cool!" we chatted for a minute and it turns out he'd even taken the night off from performing in another show to attend his premiere here with some family and friends. he was late in making it to the door and got told he couldn't go in yet. whoops. he had a sense of humor about it, and as derek pointed out, he's already seen the show.

it could be that i said something dumb after that, but i'm not sure. i get all hazy when it comes to meeting writers, never mind celebrated writers with a pulitzer prize, and i'm usually capable of saying irrefutably inane things. yes, i am speaking of the infamous eddie izzard incident in boston. don't know what i'm talking about? have someone else tell you. that legend makes me weary with twitching. what i do remember is checking up on his aunt and mom. he told me they were already in their seats, unlike him, so i told him to say hi to them from me. thank goodness i have a name that's easy to remember. suddenly i was grateful that derek was too cold to walk around the block to the other door of the theatre and we had to duck in the front to catch an elevator down the hall. if not for that, i wouldn't have met a writer. how on earth do i luck into things like this?

yeesh, i think i'm worn out for the day. once again, are we sure it's his birthday? so long as he's happy then i'm happy. he looks happy right now... blobbing on the sofa with no shoes and basking in a red meat sedation coma. yep, that one is mine all mine.

birthdays last all week:
a birthday card came from vee and travis yesterday! dinner with derek's parents tomorrow! salutations all around! and he's thinking about celebrating later on with his first mountain dew since thanksgiving. what else can we do for glee?

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