09 June 2007

the week that fizzes... or, let's all welcome stewart copeland to catholic drumming mass

okay, so i know you've all been waiting for the reviews of my exciting week. between the police and laurie and deciding what to eat or wear each day, i am expectedly all kerfuffled. we're going out to do some more real estate time tomorrow as well. it's all so dizzying.

about the police:
all i can say is, i had a freaking great time. the fancy party before the show had an open bar and foofoo stuff to eat. i had salmon rolls with caviar and prime rib for dinner. and oh, the fancy cheeses! let's just say that i'm not afraid to make a pig of myself in public. the party also had a special washroom not open to anyone else, because important people need and important toilet. they gave us little doodads that were "special VIP gifts" including a leather case and big gaudy badges. yes, i have taken it off since the show without even sleeping in it, in case you were wondering.

we made our way into the arena for the show after all that food and drink. so how were the police? they've been completely de-icon-ized for me, and the tour must be very humanizing for them. hey julie, remember giving me notes like "don't warm up on stage" when you were directing me? I GET IT NOW. in spite of that, they were a hoot to watch, and stewart was the main attraction. he did a lot of sprinting between a billion percussion instruments and looked like he was having the time of his life! there was so much standing and sitting going on that i was just waiting for him to pull out kneepads and incense while doing a drive-by transubstantiation. the flubs and oddities were met with a sense of humour by the band to the point of being endearing. which is not quite as coolly hilarious as a highly anticipated fistfight involving three guys heading for hip replacements would have been, but fucking fantabulous nonetheless.

sting's son and his peeps (sting's son singing and on bass, a squinty guy on guitar, and a flailing drummer - sound familiar?) opened for the police. they actually weren't bad at all. their band is called fiction plane, but really, let's wait and see if they're just more than just "son of sting" before you get all hepped up on them, okay? a friendly bunch who DID meet fans to sign stuff (take a hint there, you old geezers) and at least they waved at us and said hi when they were leaving.

no, we did not get to meet them, but the tour bus drove past my living room this morning as i was leaving for work. it was them on that bus. never mind that there were, like, four billion tour busses out behind the arena. this one was all alone, so it HAD to be them. and that's my story on that one, because sting and andy and stewart drove down my street on the way outta town and that's the way it is. got it??!?

more about laurie:
she rocks, as you know by now. me and alice and her boy went out to lunch in the market the day after the previously mentioned hubbub. as we turned the corner with gyros, we heard a familiar voice yelling "hey there guys!" laurie popped out of the crowd like a magical party favor. in a city of millions, leave it to me to find people i already know while randomly wandering. we had a good talk about this and that before she went on her mission to the cheese shop. hey, i knew i liked this woman for a reason. she is totally one of us.

and p.s. she wasn't being trapped at a book signing or anything, so i know she wasn't just being cordial this time. she was willingly speaking to me. it's always a relief to realize that you didn't come off as a total freak upon your first meeting with a person.

what happens when i don't work:
remember my long black hair? enjoy that picture of me in your head. now think of my hair as bright red and rosemary's baby style. now get jealous because i can wash and dry my hair in about five minutes. i was walking home from lunch/fancy vog shoe shopping with linda when the "get rid of this crap" impulse overtook me. the first place i called was too busy, so i walked into another joint that just happened to have a cancellation. lucky me! new hair AND a leisurely lunch AND the police all on the same day.

it's now wonder i had to sleep in on thursday. and what a treat to be able to go and hang out with bonnie and pets. she filled me with chicken fried steak and hashbrowns until i had to flop about on her couch for hours in happiness while rearranging otter's dog pillow. liz, you would be proud of me for easily pilling her cat snippy.

i think i am officially exhausted with excitement. or from excitement. or just exhausted after going to work for an entire day today. i'm even hopeful about looking for a house. who the hell am i?!?!

what i'm going to do now:
lay on the floor and pass out with the cats


The Forgotten Wonder Triplet said...

my hair is halfway down my back. It, like, goes 2 or 3 inches past my bra strap when its curly, and I'm soooooooooooo itching to cut it all off and dying it red. But I promised myself I would at least get it down to my butt, and by golly, that is what I'm going to do. So I shall have long hair for at least another year. Hopefully, you'll see me while its still long.

georgeious said...

do you have photos of this hair phenomenon?!?!