25 September 2006

roller fucking coasters!

we went to magic mountain today and i almost threw up - WHEEEEE! note to all: almost throwing up constitutes having to take a sitdown and have lemonade break to avoid it, but ultimately not actually throwing up. it was more the action of having one woozy eye and one squinty eye while stumbling around like a crazy vodka monkey. then there would be a moment of recovery before we moved on, during which i hopped around like a crazy vodka monkey on crack. no wonder i don't drink often and never do crack. who needs it when you're getting all those g-forces? in short, we're pooped from the day of thrills and feel beaten all to hell. yes, it was fucking great.

after some initial jitters, i was instructed to just get on one of those bad boys, go up that big stinking hill, then let go so i could scream like a sissy and until i could get it all out. of course the first one we got on was HUGE with a drop that was steeper than falling after tripping on the sidewalk. ready, steady, now everybody... SCRREEEEEEEAAAAAAAMMMM!!! we saw photos of ourselves on the first drop as we exited the ride. guess what guess what guess what? I LET GO!

thank you. i needed that. all this junkety ass stress about moving (oh, yeah, we got the lease!) and watching over the cats and blah bitty blah senseless worrying can get a person just a wee bit wound up and twitchy. oooh ooh, and another thing cool happened at the park! derek wanted to ride the carousel with with at the end of the night so we could hold hands and be cute and happy. dare i say romantic? shut up, stop barfing; go with it people. it was quite a day.

who cares if it was hot and we paid five bucks for a lemonade? who cares if i smell like an amusement park and my hair got so tangled that my head hurt when i brushed it? who even gives a crap if there was the only very occasional annoying kid? (bonus note: only go to amusement parks in the off season. there are no lines!) the experience was peppy and cheap compared to years of therapy and/or crazy drug habits or other insert problem here type of things. peppy and cheap is good - so sayeth the word of me me me. we cuddled and laughed and even got to ride the tram back to the car when we left. THE TRAM, i tell you! derek bought me a cheeseburger on the way home. we are gleefully worn out. we are refreshed with excitement. we are dizzy and even sort of serene in our exhaustion. it would be safe to say that i think everyone should ride a rollercoaster sooner or later.

just remember to let go:


Unknown said...

awww sounds like its much more fun to go to amusement park with your hunny than with my little sis. its fun with little sis - but no cuddling of course.

Anonymous said...

Rollerrcoasterrr!!!!Nostalgia again.