28 August 2009

weekend of whirlwind


the opening is tonight and i am whoop-a-dee-doo excited. somewhere around my normal stage fright time this afternoon (3pm or so) i should get the feeling that i'm going to throw up, followed by the "no one is coming to my birthday party" anxiety. by the time the reception starts it will settle down and i can breathe. i've practiced my tour speechifying, i know what i'm wearing, and i have plans to pick up a buttload of food for the whole wingding. let's hope my cuteness holds up for the evening so we can sell some season tickets.

tomorrow morning is the road rally to promote our new season. derek is heading up a group of scooters and hogs to parade around town with a banner and wear theatre shirts while demurely honking and waving. i think it'll be terribly cute, and it's a free and fun way for us to get some more attention. who in their right mind wouldn't look quizzically at a giant herd of scooters rolling down the street?

tomorrow afternoon are my auditions, which i've been shoving down people's throats to make sure everyone possible is aware. i've called in some select people to audition for me, so i'm hoping for a turnout of really good actors. missy has saved my hide and my sanity by agreeing to stage manage for me. now we can sit together behind that table and look all official and stuff.

after i recover from all that, there will be another dig in session on my homework. hehehe, i love to say that i have homework. for some reason it's funny to me. my classes are turning out to be quite interesting, even if they make me feel confused sometimes. it's important for a snarky person like me to be put into her place on an intellectual level and made to really think hard about things.

now i must run and do and be and blah bitty blah. now where did i put those notes i made for my tours? what time do we go pick everything up for tonight? do i still need to go to the post office with packages to mail? is the camera charged for the event? are the hello nametags in my car? where is my head?!?

why my brother is so damn hilarious:
chris sent us an entire box of mre food this week in the mail. right now i have a vacuum-sealed brown package on my desk that says "shortbread cookie" on it. we want to know why military rations come with cookies and tootsie rolls. is that how you bribe the locals in a war?

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