12 September 2008

back home, but not in a rut

it's time to direct another show! yes yes, my vow to take a long break was (as always) a short-lived thing. so now scott and i are going to do a double bill of absurdist one act plays. do i need to abuse myself in this way? guess so - should be fun.

my toaster oven inspired me to get back in the kitchen this week. now if only i could figure out how to make a mountain dew doughnut like the one i got in portland for derek...

went out to see threepenny upright at topeca cafe tonight. live music is only a passing fancy with me, but we had a good time. personally, i prefer NOT to see people out at a bar. call me a snob, but bars are kinda yucky. it's much nicer for me to meet for coffee, although two large americanos was probably not a good idea on the caffeine front. my head might pop into orbit at any second. ZOOOOOOM!

i bought a plant! really! for those of you that don't know: plants + me = death. every so often i'll get something green and drag it home. shortly thereafter i'll wave a wistful goodbye to that no-longer-green thing. i try to remember this fact each time i want to try again. i eventually forget it and try again anyway... like now. living with alice inspired me to whip over by the local farmers' market and invest in fresh basil. and it's still alive (with a whole new leaf sprouting) after almost a week!!! keep your fingers crossed for me and maybe i'll even get to use some of that basil someday soon. derek says that if this one lives long enough to harvest then he'll get me some cilantro to celebrate.

big hug of the day:
much love going out to bonnie rae and family. so sorry about gramps.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the kindness you showed Gramps. When we were cleaning out his apartment before he moved, I found dozens of postcards stashed in various places. I recognized several of yours. It meant a lot to him ...AND to me*

lizgwiz said...

Basil is apparently very easy to grow. It's pretty much all that's left in my backyard herb garden. The cilantro was the first to die, sadly.

georgeious said...

friday update: the basil is trying to die, but i won't let it go without a fight! cilantro might be a pipe dream for me...

bonnie, did you pig out on more fried food at the fair? too bad i wasn't there to rescue kelly from having to go with you this time. hehehehe.