14 July 2008

this way and that way - part three

what with all of the shows and rehearsals and other various whatnot lately, i haven't even caught up to myself. it's a good thing i don't really have that much exciting news to report.

then again, megan has a theory that our own lives are much more interesting to other people sometimes than they are to ourselves. see, she thinks it's no big deal to tell some of the stuff she's done (of which i will not reveal anything that juicy... right now) and i think something like hanging off an 18th story window ledge to take snapshots isn't that unusual. everyone's done that, haven't they?

she could definitely have a point.

anyhoo, if you're a regular reader of mary's blog, you know all the rest of girl party 2008 already. the only really funny thing i'll recount - that surely brings with it an ass-kicking from veronica - is our journey to eat ethiopian food. see, we'd been to the place before while visiting dallas. only this time we had to navigate three different cars there and only i had a sally (the name for our GPS unit) in the car. after about two million phone calls back and forth to v's car, kat's car, and my car, we all arrived except for veronica. turns out she was stuck on some sort ramp going over and under a bridge to the correct road. her car had stalled for no apparent reason and she was blocking a shitload of traffic. i know. we saw the shitload. we passed the shitload. and yes, we had even passed her car without realizing it! whoops.

so after the billionth phone call between all of us, she had fucking had it. she called megan to get directions from sally. she called kat to see where the hell everyone was and what the fuck was going on. she called me and i knew better than to answer. i flipped open the phone and stuck it on kat's face, explaining that i couldn't help get v to the restaurant since i live in another state. mostly what i heard at that point was kat telling v the address and then handing things back over to me.

"what the fuck?!? i can't find this fucking place and i got stuck on a ramp! this is bullshit and i'm going home, okay? oh wait! what street is it on? have we been there before? i think i'm almost in the parking lot. hold on, i'm here now. well, fucking shit!!! i'm hungry!"

perhaps not an exact transcript, but you get the idea. yes, veronica, i am laughing right now... from a very safe distance.

lunch was fabulous and everyone finally got to see chez v+travis and pets. we had a great time at the show and even managed to squeeze in more goofiness poolside the next morning. mary and v took the bestest pictures that i'm sighing wistfully over. i even managed to save some of my chinese bakery food all the way until the next morning after we got back here. and of course i walked in the door sporting my new hat. i wonder where our girl party will be next year... woohoo!

until then, i have a few mini-jaunts and maxi-jaunts to keep me occupied. megan and i drove to okc to see carpenter square's production of "debbie does dallas: the musical" last weekend. she was actually in the cast when i directed it (my name is TAMMY!!!) and so this time she finally got a chance to see the hilarity from the other side. not a bad production, i must say, but it needed more bananas. what it lacked in innocence it more than made up for in roller skates. a fun little daytrip, for sure. i've had those songs stuck in my head all week!

next week it's off to guthrie for a theatre festival. then comes the big trip to seattle! did i mention i'll be running away to stay with alice for a whole month? we'll have to take some side trips to oregon and canada for the occasion.

this all comes back to megan's point: these plans and things all sound sort of predictably irrational to me. that's just how my lifestyle works. i do admit that i don't normally travel quite this much, but the craziness aspect of it is simply average to me. to other people it all seems fascinating and cool. funny how we're always boring to ourselves.

why i didn't leave the house today:
my pajamas wouldn't let me. they held me hostage because i finally had a day where i had not one fucking place to be! besides, i had a feng shui attack and communed with the paper shredder.


lizgwiz said...

Well, your life definitely sounds more exciting than mine!

I feel very old and boring lately. You should come kick me in my ass or something. ;)

The Forgotten Wonder Triplet said...

Where are you going to be the last weekend of July? Specifically July

georgeious said...

liz, excitement is exhausting. there are days that i really enjoy being boring much more. but i will kick your ass anyway. how about this weekend? we can always lunch on saturday...

tanya, i should be getting back from guthrie sometime on the afternoon of the 27th. should i block off that night or monday night for you?

you two gimme a call this week and let me know.

The Forgotten Wonder Triplet said...

I'm leaving in the afternoon of Monday, so Monday night is out. My moms birthday is the 27th, so I"ll be spending some of the day with her, but I'm sure I can find time to meet up with you, if you have the time.

Anonymous said...

The best part of the car fiasco was me on speaker phone trying to leave Andy a msg. Then the car died, horns were honking, people yelling and zooming right by me. Then me saying the F word about 10 times. Then I hear "if you are satisfied with your message..." Shit. But you know what? Andy called right back. And to the owner of that Fucking Silver Bug...i know where you live!

georgeious said...

at least it was fun for andy... and us in the silver bug. hehehehehe