i just realized it's been three years since i started doing this. holly, you are still an inspiration me me... even if i haven't written anything embarrassing about you lately. maybe i'll have to change that. surely we can beat the stupid hilarity of last month's measurement taking session. what more can we learn from wikihow? those instructions are a real scream.
good news and bad news:
i got the lead in a play! i've been promoted from understudy as of this week and am diligently working on my lines. with just under three weeks until opening it's a bit of a rush, but nowhere near as bad as it could have been if this had occurred with only days to go. i should be grateful that i don't have to panic. the rest of the cast is being helpful to me and the project looks to be enjoyable. now, which shoes will i wear?
princess dizzy has fallen ill. she was fine over the weekend during book club, but by monday morning we started to notice that she was acting out of sorts. she was lethargic and wheezing. on tuesday we took her to the vet and got her looked over, waiting to see what might be wrong. yesterday she got an ultrasound and the doctor informed us that she has heart problems. she's cleaned herself incessantly today and did finally eat on her own again, so we're hoping for more progress over the coming week.
vee sent me some crazy socks this week to keep me in good spirits. how i adore wearing knee highs! i've fallen into a bizarre skirt phase. not one in which a wear skirts that look bizarre, but a period that sees me in skirts and dresses way more often than i've worn them in the past. these socks will be terrific to don with a cute little skirt. they're a green argyle-ish with shamrocks. guess i now have something bright to wear for st. patrick's day that will make everyone else jealous.
the munny speakers are fabulous. derek took pictures along the way during construction, so i hope he posts a few of them soon. and hats! they have cute little hats! EEE!
derek is, as many of you already know, a casualty of the current economic downturn and newly unemployed. though it's only been a week, i suspect he already bored. his munny speaker project is complete. he's been taking care of dizzy and trying to keep himself occupied. am i the breadwinner this week or what? wait a minute. he's actually going to get an unemployment check! you know you're a real grownup when you can actually file for "help me for it was not my fault" money after an employer kicks you to the curb.
a couple more people at my job got fired this week. tomorrow i'm going in to cover for someone and will get to see how bad it's getting around there. the only reason i've stayed thus far is for the insurance. my medication doesn't come cheap and it's worth putting up with some bullshit (for now) in order to save money. how much longer that will last - or how much longer i have a job - is still up for speculation. the mere thought of looking for a new job makes my shoulders get tense and my nose wrinkle. it's humiliation galore; like being on a blind date with someone who's not even going to feed you, yet still dares you to be interesting enough to catch their attention. ick.
household items i heart today:
my truly awesome stick-vac
dental floss
pillows, pillows, pillows
the basil plant, which is STILL alive
scrub brushes for exfoliating
packing tape, of course